UW News
Study finds strong negative associations with teenagers in AI models
A UW team studied how AI systems portray teens in English and Nepali, and found that in English language systems around 30% of the responses referenced societal problems such as violence, drug use and mental illness. The Nepali system produced fewer negative associations in responses, closer to 10% of all answers.
News mentions of the UW
Written by UW researchers, faculty and graduate students
For Washington
The UW's RIDE program trains dentists to treat patients from rural and underserved communities. More than 80% of graduates go on to work in dental offices in small towns and communities. RIDE students study dentistry in Spokane and Seattle, as well as hands-on training in clinics in rural towns across Washington.
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Learn how the UW community is taking on the challenges of today — and preparing to tackle those of tomorrow.
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